Cyberbullying serious in Malaysia, 23% of parents feel their children are victims this year

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (Sin Chew Daily/ANN) - 23% of Malaysian participated in a survey on cyberbullying were of the view that their children are victims of cyberbullying for at least one time this year. Malaysia ranks 2nd in Asia in the survey participated by 28 countries across the world. Japanese and Russian parents are confident that their children are not facing cyberbullying.

In a survey on cyberbullying conducted among 28 countries, Malaysia ranks the sixth place.
A study by showed that 23% of the Malaysian parents who participated in the survey opined that their children are victims of cyberbullying for at least one time this year.

Of the 28 countries participating in the survey, Malaysia ranks 2nd place in Asia with 23% of parents hold the view that their children are subjected to cyberbullying. 

The situation in Malaysia is better than India (37%) but worse than Saudi Arabia (19%), China (17%), South Korea (13%) and Japan.
In a statement, the web portal which conducted the survey said:” the internet has allowed individuals to hide behind masks of anonymity. The “faceless evil” of the internet is a growing threat for teens, specifically when it comes cyberbullying.

“Despite a more recent ramping up of awareness campaigns, cyberbullying facts and statistics indicate the problem is not going away anytime soon,’’ it said.

The survey was carried out between 23 March and 6 April with a total of 20,793 interviews conducted including adults aged between 18 and 64 in US and Canada. Other participants in the survey are aged between 16 and 64.

In Europe and US, more parents are aware of their children’s negative experiences with cyberbullying or the children are experiencing more attacks online. 

In Japan and Russia, parents expressed high level of confidence that their children did not experience cyberbullying.  In Japan, the percentage of parents feel that their children face cyberbullying is five percent and one per cent in Russia. 


  • 23%父母认孩子今年曾受害.大马网络霸凌严重


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